Filmmakers/Media Files

What's the process for removing my film from Olyn if I choose to do so?

Discuss with Olyn how these cases will be handled to ensure a smooth transition and maintain good relations with your audience.

  1. Review your distribution agreement to understand any contractual obligations or notice periods.

  2. Contact Olyn support to inform them of your decision. They may ask for a reason or try to address any concerns.

  3. Follow the deletion process outlined in the first answer above.

  4. If your film is part of any active promotions or featured collections, request its removal from these as well.

  5. Confirm with Olyn that all versions of your film (including trailers, teasers, etc.) have been removed from their platform.

  6. Request written confirmation of the removal and termination of your distribution agreement.

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Olyn Inc. © 2024

Olyn Inc. © 2024